August Employees of the Month

Team member Spotlight: September

Boyden Location: Adrian Rodriguez

This month, we’re thrilled to recognize Adrian Rodriguez as the Employee of the Month at our Boyden facility! Adrian has been with Demco for over 7 years and currently serves as a Group Leader in the Paint Department. His leadership journey has been inspiring—balancing training others while learning the ropes himself under a new leader. His positive energy is contagious, and he’s always ready with a smile and a helping hand. A colleague shared, “Adrian is humble, kind, and always puts others first. His servant's heart and great attitude make him a role model for what Demco stands for. He truly embodies what it means to be our Employee of Choice.”

Congratulations, Adrian, and thank you for leading by example every day!

Spencer Location: Tyler Bussell

In Spencer, we’re proud to announce Tyler Bussell as our Employee of the Month! With over 11 years at Demco, Tyler serves as a Group Lead and Trainer in the Weld Department. His dedication and willingness to help are well-known around the facility. A co-worker noted, “Tyler is always ready to lend a hand and takes the time to explain things thoroughly. He’s open to new ideas and constantly looking for ways to improve. He truly represents what Demco values in our employees.”

Thank you, Tyler, for your continued commitment to excellence and for being a great example of what makes our team strong!

Both Adrian and Tyler demonstrate what it means to be leaders and team players, and we are all proud to work alongside them.