Now Available!! 1722 and 2222 Grain Carts
In 2019, Demco introduced the “22” Series Grain Carts. These large capacity grain carts are unmatched in the industry with convenient features, first-rate quality, and excellent efficiency for your harvest operation. The “22” Series Grain Carts are available in 1100+ and 1300+ bushel capacities.
New for 2020, Demco is introducing 2 larger capacity grain carts for the “22” Series. With the same features and functions available, Demco will now be offering a 1700+ and 2200+ bushel capacity grain carts.
Demco is determined to offer Grain Carts for all sizes of farming operations. We understand that all farmers are looking for “Reliable – Easy to Operate – Efficient – Safe” equipment. As our slogan has stated for many years, Demco is “Doing Our Best to Provide You the Best”!
View the video below to see Demco's 2222 Grain Cart in action!