Demco Dollar for Doers Donates to Shayla Bee Foundation

We at Demco love to give back. Recently, we implemented a program called “Dollars for Doers". Dollars for Doers is a giving program designed to encourage team member volunteerism. It provides financial donations, or service grants, to nonprofits based on the number of volunteer hours performed by employees.
Chuck Oppedal, our Semi Trailer Sales Manager, is incredibly passionate and involved in a charity from Spencer, IA called “Shayla Bee.”
Shayla Bee is a charity dedicated to helping reduce the financial burdens of working-class families with a child in a medical crisis. Shayla Bee’s assistance helps families overcome the stress and worry otherwise caused by these financial burdens, allowing them to place their focus and energy on loving and caring for their child.
You may be wondering, who is Shayla Bee? Shayla Kaye Rohrbaugh was born on December 4th, 1998, with a condition called schizencephaly. Her 6 year battle was an inspiration to her family and all who loved and cared for her. Her 18 year old mother went from a troubled single mom to a 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week caregiver in a heartbeat. Her devotion to Shayla was a true inspiration. Shayla died on January 8, 2005 leaving behind a little brother Aydan and a little sister Isabel. The Shayla Bee Fund is a living memorial to Shayla.
Demco was honored to support this charity that has assisted more than 242 families in the last 16 years. Demco's donation will assist the charity’s building fund drive campaign.
(Pictured) Bob Koerselman, Demco president; Jerry Faulkner, Shayla Bee chairman and Shayla’s grandfather; Chuck Oppedal, Demco sales manager and Shayla Bee board member; Kevin Ten Haken, Demco Executive Vice president; Lindsay Wilson, Shayla Bee administrator, and Shayla’s mother.
"I can’t express my gratitude enough to all Demco ownership and management. I type this with a few tears in my eyes, rejoicing not only to be blessed by the best employer ever but also for that employer to support the cause I love and hold dear to my heart, the Shayla Bee Fund!"
Chuck Oppedal