Getting to Know Us with Chelsea Clark
• Best concert you've ever attended? AvengedSevenfold for Valentines Day two years ago
• Favorite place in the world? Ocala, Florida
• If you could be any animal, which would you be? a sloth bc they sleep all the time, and I like that
• Last book you read? A Fault in Our Stars by John Greene
• Favorite movie? She's the Man
• What are you currently watching on Netflix? Women Behind Bars
• Coolest thing you're working on right now? making bouquets for my wedding
• Most like to trade places with for the day? My cat 😻
• Best meal ever? Ham loaf and cheesy potatoes made by a former coworker.
• Ability to visit anywhere, where would it be? Italy or Hawaii because I ❤️ their culture.
• What are some of your pet peeves? *sigh* I have plenty. When people chew with their mouth open, when people ask questions during movies, when people have bad oral hygiene
• Secret talent? I can crochet
• Any person, living or dead that you could eat dinner with? my grandpa and grandma
• What color crayon would you be? black
• What's the most helpful way for you to receive feedback? verbally?
• Favorite family tradition? my fiance's family goes Christmas camping every summer 🚌☀️
• Worst superhero? Batman