June Employees of the Month

At Demco, we take pride in recognizing outstanding dedication and commitment among our team members. This month, we are thrilled to spotlight two exceptional individuals who embody our core values and contribute immensely to our success.

Maria Cade - Boyden Employee of the Month

Maria Cade has been an integral part of the Demco family for three years, currently serving in the Weld Cells at our Boyden location. Maria's infectious positivity and eagerness to embrace new challenges make her a standout colleague. She consistently goes above and beyond, demonstrating a strong work ethic and a collaborative spirit that enhances our workplace environment. Maria's dedication and optimism inspire us all, and we look forward to witnessing her continued growth and success at Demco.

Reflecting on Maria's contributions, a colleague remarked, "Maria always has a positive attitude and is willing to jump in feet first with something new. She's great to work with, and I'm sure she will go far in her adventures here at Demco."

Dan Ruehle - Spencer Employee of the Month

In Spencer, we celebrate Dan, who has been an invaluable member of the Demco team for an impressive 20 years. Dan currently serves as the team lead for our welding department, and his leadership and dedication set a remarkable example for all of us. Known for his willingness to assist others and his unwavering commitment to our community, Dan exemplifies the spirit of servant leadership.

A colleague described Dan's impact: "Dan is such a great example of an employee of the month every day. He is always willing to help with whatever we are doing, whether setting up for our 60th anniversary, participating in community events, or lending a hand during times of need. Dan's recent efforts to assist fellow employees affected by flooding highlight his selflessness and dedication to our Demco family."

At Demco, we are privileged to have Maria and Dan on our team. They drive our mission forward with their exceptional talents and unwavering commitment. Please join us in congratulating Maria Cade and Dan on their well-deserved recognition as Employees of the Month. Their contributions make a difference, and we are grateful for their continued dedication to excellence.

Stay tuned for more stories of success and inspiration from the outstanding individuals who have made Demco a thriving community.